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City Manager’s Office
One of three City employees hired and approved by the Mayor and Council, the City Manager is charged with seeing that all laws and ordinances are enforced. The City Manager ensures the business affairs of the City are efficiently handled, while exercising control over all departments in the City. The City Manager attends all meetings of the Mayor and City Council with the right to take part in all discussions but having no vote. The City Manager oversees and submits an annual budget and annual financial report to the Mayor and City Council, negotiates and approves all contracts, purchases or obligations on behalf of the City as allowed within the City Code, and hires department heads and employees, as required.
The office of the City Manager is composed of the City Manager and two Deputy City Managers. Together they liaise with elected officials, hire, and guide staff and oversee all aspects of project and personnel management.
27 Sycamore Street
Commerce, GA 30529
27 Sycamore Street
Commerce, GA 30529
27 Sycamore Street
Commerce, GA 30529