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Grey Hill Cemetery is a large cemetary located on Scott and Clayton Streets in Commerce, GA. The cemetery was established in the late 1800’s.
Notable gravesites include Governor Lamartine Hardman and Author Olive Ann Burns.
Burial Ground Cemetery Relocation Permit
The City of Commerce would like to thank you for considering the purchase of burial space(s) in one of the historic cemeteries in Commerce.
On October 17,2022, The City of Commerce instituted a "perpetual care plan” which means The City is responsible for keeping each lot reasonably clean and free from debris and rubbish and will on a reasonable interval cut the grass growing thereon. The City will be using chemical insecticides, chemical weed and grass control and may effect to look of the grass at the cemetery.
Ownership consists of the right of interment and associated memorialization only. The lot can be used for no other purpose and cannot be divided into smaller portions than originally purchased.
Arrangements for all purchases of spaces in Grey Hill and Pine Grove Cemetery must be made through the City of Commerce, at City Hall. Payment for the purchase of burial spaces shall be due in full on the date of purchase. Any resale by the owner of Grey Hill Cemetery and Pine Grove Cemetery spaces shall come through the City Hall, as The City of Commerce, retains the "first right of refusal" to repurchase any and all lots in the city cemeteries. The City requires the surrender of the original deed to repurchased spaces. Cost of cemetery lots are set by Mayor and City Council; cost could change at the discretion of the city council.
Any information not included in the policy, will be in City ordinance Chapter 22 Cemeteries.
1. Treat the Cemetery grounds with respect at all times.
2. Remember, monuments, sculptures, and artifacts are the private property of others. Please do not touch without permission.
4. Do not litter (including cigarette butts).
5. Stay on designated walkways and paved roadways. Keep all vehicles on the pavement and off the grass.
6. Keep all pets on a leash and away from monuments and sculptures. Always clean up after your pets.
7. Be respectful of funeral processions and memorial services.
8. With the exception of bottled water, food and beverages are prohibited from Cemetery grounds.
- Coffin and vaults are required. Any human remains being buried in any cemetery maintained by the city shall be placed in a coffin and the coffin shall be placed in a sealed vault.
- The human remains only shall be buried in any cemetery maintained by the city.
- Burial of human remains in one lot shall be either with one vault and one casket, or burial of cremation remains in urn, with vault and two cremation remains may be placed in one lot.
- The city does not open and close graves, funeral homes are required to verify location of graves with the city. Graves shall be dug to a depth sufficient to allow minimum ground cover of twenty-four inches. Opened gravesites must have soil returned to the site fully compacted to prevent settling. If settling occurs within 1 year, the cost is charged to the original permit holder. All area where turf is disturbed shall be repaired by the party responsible for turf removal or damage. Repairs shall require proper soil replacement and turf installation. Topsoil, not clay, shall be used as a base for turf to allow proper growth. Areas where it is necessary to remove turf/soil from a lot/plot, all turf/soil must be placed in a city designated area.
- Name of person buried in cemetery lot is required for official record of the city; deed of lot will be given to person purchasing lot.
1. The City Clerk must approve the plan, design, and placement of all monuments and markers.
2. All monuments shall have a minimum 5-inch thick concrete foundation. Flush and foot markers shall have a minimum 4-inch thick concrete foundation. Foundations shall exceed by a 5% minimum the length and width of the monument base or the marker.
3. All monuments shall consist of a base and a die. The die thickness shall be no more than 50% of the width of the base. The die length shall be at least eighteen (18) inches shorter than the base. Minimum thickness of a die shall be four (4) inches. Minimum thickness of a base shall be ten (10) inches.
4. For a single grave lot, markers of a flat type only shall be used. Flat markers are to be placed flush with the ground allowing lawn mowing equipment to pass over the marker without causing damage.
5. A monument for a two grave lot shall be placed in the center of the head of the two graves. The monument shall have a minimum base length of five (5) feet and a maximum base length of seven (7) feet.
6. A monument for a three grave lot shall be placed in the center of the head of three graves (similar to a two grave lot). The monument base shall have a minimum base length of five (5) feet and a maximum base length of eight (8) feet.
7. A monument for lots with four or more grave spaces side by side shall be placed in the center of the head of the graves. The monument base length shall be a minimum of five (5) feet. The maximum base length shall depend on the number of spaces purchased.
8. A monument for four (4) or more grave spaces purchased in a back to back layout shall be placed in the center of the spaces.
9. Metal markers left by Funeral Homes are only temporary markers and will be removed after a couple of weeks due to hazards they may cause to visitors, maintenance personnel and equipment
10. The lot holder or surviving kindred will be responsible for maintenance, upkeep, and cleaning of all monuments on the respective lot. For the protection of all lot owners, persons or firms erecting, cleaning, or repairing monuments shall first contact the City Hall during normal working hours before any work shall begin and all work shall comply with the rules and regulations as required. The city is not responsible for any damage to monuments, including normal aging of monument, acts of God, or vandalism.
11. No coping, fencing, walls, sidewalks, fixtures, figurines, or other items that might interfere with normal cutting and cleaning of the lot will be allowed, unless approved by The City of Commerce.
12. Mementos and Memory items must be placed on a monument. Items not on a monument shall be removed.
1. Artificial flower arrangements will be removed by the City on or after three months, or as they become in disarray.
2.. Flowers for new burials will be removed after seven (7) days following a service, by the family. One arrangement may be left behind subject to Items 1. Family members wishing to save flowers should pick them up a couple of days after a service.
3. Christmas flowers will be removed around February 1.
4.. Flowers may be removed if an abundance of flowers or wreaths on an individual lot interfere with maintenance of said lot.
5.. It is suggested flowers placed on monuments be securely attached as they frequently are blown away by the wind, any flowers found in cemetery, not on a grave, will be disposed of.
6.. Flowers are not allowed to be placed on the grass or stuck up in the ground. Flowers must be placed in an approved holder or placed on a monument.
7. No flowers, trees, shrubs, or other vegetation shall be planted on any lot without the permission of the City.
1. Glass of any kind can pose a threat to the health and safety of patrons and cemetery staff members.
2. Solar Lights or Peace Lights
3. Shepherd’s Hooks, flags on hooks, plants on hooks
4.Privately installed benches: Benches installed on the owner’s lot by a licensed and insured monument company are allowed but are subject to the monument rules listed above and must be approved by the City Clerk.
5.Any memory items, light, pinwheels, statues, pictures, are not allowed on the grass, and will be removed, all items MUST be on the monument. No fencing will be allowed on cemetery lot/ plot. Ornamental objects, (containers, statues, etc) may only be placed on monuments/markers and must be attached or weighted as to not be easily removed by weather conditions or pedestrians. The City shall have the right to remove any object which encumbers normal ground maintenance.
(The City of Commerce is not responsible for personal property or ornamental objects left at the cemetery)
Clerks office is open from 8:30 am until 4:30 pm at city hall for any questions.
If you have any questions, please contact City Clerk, Sandra Haggard at 706-336-3288 or email shaggard@commercega.gov